Georgia Estimates $30M in Insured Losses from Early January Storm

January 19, 2017

A violent storm that hit southwest Georgia at the start of the year, killing at least one person, is estimated to have caused $30 million in insured losses, according to the state’s insurance office.

Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens said damage from the mile-wide storm that struck Albany, Ga., Jan. 2, has generated more than 4,000 insurance claims, with estimated insured losses expected to top $30 million.

“That figure will rise as new claims are filed,” Hudgens said Jan. 10. “Keep in mind that we’re only talking about losses covered by insurance. The damage to infrastructure, government and uncovered commercial properties was quite extensive.”

Albany Fire Chief Ron Rowe said at the time of the storm that more than 1,000 homes were destroyed; 4 caught fire and multiple trees were knocked down.

Hudgens urged Georgians to begin the claims-filing process if they haven’t already and to call the Consumer Services Hotline if they need help filing a claim, or if they are experiencing difficulty reaching their insurance company.

Source: Georgia Department of Insurance