South Carolina Flood Relief Fund Awarding $760K to 18 Charities

March 30, 2016

South Carolina’s One SC relief fund is awarding $760,000 to 18 charities that are helping people recover from last October’s historic flooding.

The awards announced Monday represent the second round of grants from the fund Gov. Nikki Haley launched in November. About 10 percent pays for mold remediation, 8 percent buys furnishings and the rest goes toward materials and labor.

The smallest award of $11,300 goes to the United Way to furnish homes in Sumter County. AmeriCorps is receiving the largest, $240,000, to rebuild homes in several of the disaster-declared counties.

The charities are providing volunteer labor and an additional $4.2 million from other sources for the projects.

The fund awarded $500,000 in its initial round of grants announced Dec. 21. Charities have until Friday to apply for a third-round grant.
