Florida Man Arrested for Stealing $100K in Insurance Claims from Sandy Victim

October 7, 2015

The Florida Division of Insurance Fraud announced the arrest of Naples, Fla., man Daniel T. Phelps, 56, for allegedly stealing two insurance claim payments totaling more than $96,000 from an elderly New Jersey business owner. George Capuzzi filed an initial insurance claim after damage was sustained to his business during Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

In 2014, the Division of Insurance Fraud received information indicating that Phelps stole two checks from Capuzzi, an insured business owner, who was awaiting an insurance payout to make the necessary repairs needed to re-open his business located in Atlantic City, New Jersey, according to DIF.

DIF’s investigation revealed that in 2013, Capuzzi was suffering from health-related issues and needed assistance with the processing of filing the post-hurricane insurance claims for his business. In light of Capuzzi’s need for aid, a mutual friend referred Capuzzi to Phelps to assist with the claims filing process.

Phelps allegedly re-directed the delivery of the insurance claims checks to his girlfriend’s residence in Naples. Once the checks were mailed, Phelps took a trip to South Florida, where he endorsed the checks by forging Capuzzi’s name, DIF said. In an attempt to mask the fraudulent deposit, Phelps allegedly utilized his step-brother’s driver’s license to deposit the checks into a joint bank account. Phelps then transferred the money out of the joint account and into a personal account.

Over the course of three months, in addition to numerous cash withdrawals, DIF said Phelps spent Capuzzi’s $96,000 on a new Jaguar car, a boat, Lasik eye surgery, and a trip to Key West. To date, Capuzzi’s business has never re-opened.

Phelps was picked up at the Broward County Health Center on charges of scheming to defraud, grand theft, and criminal use of personal ID. This case is being prosecuted by the Office of the State Attorney, 20th Judicial Circuit of Florida under State Attorney Stephen B. Russell.

Source: Florida Division of Insurance Fraud