Florida Gets $7 Million in Grants for Health Insurance Navigators

September 12, 2014

Three Florida organizations will receive nearly $7 million to help consumers sign up for health insurance during the second enrollment season under the Affordable Care Act.

Health and Human Services officials said that the grants given to the University of South Florida, Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners and the Epilepsy Foundation of Florida would help consumers navigate their choices in-person.

Experts found that health counselors were crucial to enrollment efforts during the inaugural year of President Obama’s health law as they assisted many confused consumers wade through the troubled healthcare.gov.

Florida led enrollment among the 36 states using the federal exchange, with nearly 1 million sign-ups.

Around the country, 90 organizations will receive $60 million in so-called “navigator” grants. Last year, eight Florida organizations received $7.8 million.