W.Va. Fruit Growers Reminded of Insurance Deadline on Next Year’s Crop

November 6, 2013

West Virginia Department of Agriculture issued an insurance reminder for the state’s fruit producers, citing USDA Risk Management Agency’s announcement that the final date for West Virginia apple and peach growers to obtain crop insurance on next year’s crop is Nov. 20, 2013.

Current policyholders likewise have until November 20 to make any changes to their existing contracts, the state’s Department of Agriculture said.

Officials said price elections for 2014 will be $17.30 per bushel for fresh apples, $3.25 for processing apples, $15.50 per bushel for fresh peaches, and $6.75 for processing peaches. Crop insurance provides coverage against production losses due to damage caused by natural perils and adverse weather conditions such as hail, wind, frost, and drought.

The actual amount of coverage will be determined from the actual yields and the protection level selected. Officials said fruit producers should consider making crop insurance an essential part of their overall risk management plan to help protect their operations from financial loss. Growers are encouraged to contact a local crop insurance agent for more detailed information and premium quotes. Growers can contact the local USDA Farm Service Agency office or log on to the Risk Management Agency Website at www3.rma.usda.gov/tools/agents/ for a list of crop insurance agents in their area.

Source: West Virginia Department of Agriculture