Florida Agent Charged with Forging Forms for Mitigation Credits

October 30, 2013

Florida Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater announced the arrest of Leon Mobley, 45, a licensed insurance agent in Wellington, for allegedly submitting false and forged wind mitigation verification inspection forms on behalf of clients to obtain discounted homeowners premiums.

Atwater said that in July a consumer notified the Department of Financial Services that Mobley had allegedly submitted a fraudulent wind mitigation form to her insurance company without her prior knowledge or approval. Subsequent investigations identified two homeowners who received premium discounts on their homeowners’ insurance policies based on wind mitigation inspections that never took place. The forms contained forged homeowners’ and inspector signatures, according to officials.

Mobley was charged with filing a false and fraudulent insurance claim and uttering forged instruments. Both are third degree felonies.

Mobley was booked into Palm Beach County Jail. If convicted, he faces up to 5 years in prison and possible action against his insurance license.