Miss. Kicks Off New Fire Safety Program, Distributes Free Smoke Alarms

August 7, 2013

Mississippi’s insurance commissioner and fire marshal Mike Chaney kicked off a new statewide fire safety program called “Operation: SAM (Smoke Alarms Mississippi).”

Last week, the program distributed free smoke alarms at the Neshoba County Fair. In 2011, 15 cabins were destroyed in a massive fire at the campgrounds.

“There is no question that having a working smoke alarm in the home saves lives, it can cut your risk of dying in a fire in half,” Chaney said.

In 2012, there were 62 fire deaths in Mississippi, down from 80 in 2011. The number of fire deaths in Mississippi last year was also the lowest figure recorded in a single year since the State Fire Marshal’s Office has been keeping such records.

The State Fire Marshal’s Office said it purchased 3,000 smoke alarms to be distributed throughout the state.

The intent is for these smoke alarms to be installed in target homes throughout Mississippi. These homes include: manufactured/mobile homes; homes of persons who may not be able to afford smoke alarms; homes of the elderly; homes with young children (under fourteen years of age); and homes of persons with disabilities.

The State Fire Marshal’s Office said free fire alarms will be distributed to target homes while supplies last. Priority for these alarms is given to those who cannot afford to purchase the device on their own.

Officials said the goal of the program is not simply to hand out alarms, but to also encourage the proper installation of these alarms in homes while educating residents of fire safety measures.