Scruggs Appeals to Supreme Court

January 25, 2013

The U.S. Supreme Court will hold a conference Feb. 15 to decide on whether to hear an appeal from Zach Scruggs, who was implicated as having knowledge of a judicial corruption scheme that toppled his father, plaintiffs’ lawyer Richard “Dickie” Scruggs.

Court officials say a decision could be announced shortly after the conference.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld Zach Scruggs conviction last October.

The younger Scruggs, a law partner with his father, pleaded guilty to failing to report a conspiracy to improperly influence a judge in a dispute with other lawyers over $26.5 million in legal fees. He served a 14-month prison sentence and also lost his law license.

Richard Scruggs and three others were convicted in the bribery scheme.