West Virginia Offers Interactive Homeowner’s Inventory Chart

August 31, 2012

West Virginia regulators recently launched an online, interactive homeowner’s inventory chart. Available for free from the W.V. Offices of Insurance Commissioner, it offers a convenient way for homeowners to list every item of value in their house.

The inventory chart can be found on the W.V. Offices of Insurance Commissioner website.

“The information you place in your home inventory file can make insurance claim settlements faster and easier,” according to regulators.

“You should have a record of your property in order to help make an accurate insurance claim. The inventory may also help you in determining whether you may need personal property limits higher than already specified in your policy.”

“Hopefully, the need for this inventory will never arise. However, if you do experience a loss, you should feel better knowing that you are prepared by having a home Inventory ready and easily accessible,” regulators said.