Kentucky Program Aims to Catch Uninsured Drivers

May 21, 2012 by

Kentucky drivers could see their car registrations cancelled and they could be charged with insurance fraud if they are found to be operating a vehicle without the proper insurance.

Under current law, Kentucky drivers must show proof of insurance when renewing their registrations but the sate has found that some drivers drop their coverage after they renew their vehicle.

Those drivers are the ones who will be targeted under a new law now being implemented. Starting June 1, the state’s Department of Motor Vehicle Regulations will begin sending out letters to those who records show have been without insurance coverage for more than 60 days. The state is matching vehicle registrations with list of vehicles reported as insured or cancelled by insurance companies.

The letters give these owners 30 days to show they have maintained coverage or present a proof of coverage listing the insurance agent or company that issued the policy. The driver’s proof must include the name of the insurance company and its five digit National Association of Insurance Commissioners company code. The name of the insured and the effective date and the expiration of the coverage must be listed.

Drivers can object to the state’s action if they can show their vehicle identification number does not match the number on the policy reported cancelled and that insurance has been maintained. In those cases, a driver can send a letter to the state listing the insurance agency or company that can verify the insurance information.

Failure to provide the information to the state may result in the cancellation of the vehicle owner’s registration. Drivers who falsify information may be found guilty of insurance fraud.