Alabama Insurance Agent Enjoys New Acting Career

February 10, 2012 by

Stan Houston has felt the power of Kenny Powers.

Houston, an Enterprise insurance agent based in Dothan, Ala., filmed a scene in July for an upcoming episode of the HBO comedy series “Eastbound and Down.” The show stars Danny McBride as Kenny Powers, a down-on-his-luck former major league baseball player reminiscent of former Braves pitcher John Rocker, except without Rocker’s intellectual depth and other redeeming qualities.

In Houston’s scene, which will air on the Feb. 19 season opener (9 p.m. CST), he gets into a fight with Powers at a miniature golf course. For Houston, the scene was the latest credit in an unlikely screen career which began with a visit to a small actor’s studio in Colquitt, Ga., a few years ago.

Houston, 44, a Blakely, Ga., native, wanted something to do with his daughter, so he took a theater class offered by Ralph Wilcox in Colquitt, Ga. The class led to him and his daughter being cast in the independent horror movie “Savage” filmed in Blakely, Ga.

Houston’s work caught the attention of agent Joy Pervis, of J. Pervis Talent. Since then, Houston has received a number of roles, including the “Eastbound and Down” role and a spot on an FX network pilot, “Outlaw Country.”

Houston said he enjoys the opportunities his part-time career provides to pursue a new hobby and work with respected actors.

“Golf didn’t pay, this does,” he said.

Houston described “Eastbound and Down” star McBride as fun to work with and a master of improvisational comedy.

“He is just a good old country boy who made it and didn’t forget where he came from,” Houston said.

Houston said John Hawkes, who plays Powers’ brother, is also a favorite of his.

“He’s a true professional,” Houston said.

Houston said a surprising amount of opportunities can be found for working actors in the Southeast, as filming companies are increasingly taking advantage of favorable tax breaks and labor laws to shoot television shows and movies here. Houston said he thinks more companies will film in this area once they realize the cost benefits and scenic opportunities presented by southeast Alabama.

“We’ve got a statue of a bug in the middle of town, why not make a movie here?” he said.

Houston’s work in film and on television has changed the way he watches them. Instead of focusing on the plot of the movie or television show, Houston now analyzes the technical aspects.

“I cannot sit down and watch a movie,” he said. “I’m too busy seeing how they set up a scene. A five-minute scene could take up to eight hours to shoot.”

With regard to the acting trade, Houston offered this bit of counter-intuitive advice to aspiring actors, “Be yourself. If you look at all the great actors, Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, they’ve all played different characters, but as themselves.”