North Carolina Relaxes ATV Helmet Safety Rule for Adults

April 22, 2011

North Carolina legislators have agreed to exempt adult drivers of all-terrain vehicles from helmet and eye protection requirements while riding on private property.

The Senate this week approved a bill loosening protections in a 2005 law for ATVs 45 minutes after it appeared the measure had been defeated. The bill now goes to Gov. Beverly Perdue.

The bill initially failed 23-26 after Sen. Bill Purcell of Laurinburg — who helped pass the 2005 law — said the exemption would lead to more ATV injuries and deaths. Sen. Buck Newton of Wilson supported the bill. He said the vote was about deciding how far government should go in telling adults what to do.

The Senate reconsidered the bill after a recess then passed the measure on a largely party-line vote favoring Republicans.