Tennessee Program Warns Teens of Highway Work Risk

August 17, 2010

The Tennessee Department of Transportation is working to keep teen drivers safe and will travel to Red Boiling Springs High School in Macon County, Wednesday, August 18 to present “Between the Barrels” to 230 students.

“Between the Barrels” is an interactive safe driving program geared toward teen students just learning to drive. The goal of the program is to save lives by educating teens on the importance of always practicing safe driving habits, especially in highway work zones. TDOT will be joined by representatives from the Tennessee Highway Patrol. During the 2008-09 academic year, the “Between the Barrels” program reached students in more than 90 schools with the compelling visual message—”When it comes to driving, there’s no such thing as beginner’s luck.” According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), car crashes are the leading cause of fatalities among teens in the United States. Nationally, teen drivers (ages 13-19) are at a four times greater risk for crashes than older adults and are involved in 15 percent of fatal crashes, but make up 6.7 percent of the total driving population.

In 2008, 66 teens died in traffic crashes in Tennessee, down from 106 in 2007. Preliminary numbers show 52 teen deaths in traffic crashes in 2009. Already, at least 45 teens have died in traffic crashes in the first half of 2010.