National Insurance Crime Bureau Starts New Florida Effort

August 11, 2010

The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) announced today that it has established its second major medical fraud task force in Florida to counter the increase and spread in acts of medical fraud.

The Central Florida Major Medical Fraud Task Force is located in Tampa and will focus its investigative resources in the area comprising metropolitan Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Orlando. This includes the beach communities on the west coast of Florida, in Pinellas and Pasco Counties, through the communities east of Orlando to Cape Canaveral and Titusville, south of Jacksonville and north of Lake Okeechobee.

The new task force compliments one of the original major medical fraud task force operations which was established in Weston, Fla., in 2002. Together, these two units focus on medical fraud perpetrated against NICB member insurance companies. Criminals that engage in staged automobile accidents and unnecessary or excessive medical treatments are exploiting Florida’s personal injury protection (PIP) and bodily injury laws causing all consumers to pay for their criminal activity through increased insurance costs.