Nurses, Long-Term Care Facility Risk Retention Groups Merge, Expand

January 12, 2010

Atlanta-based Lewis & Clark LTC RRG, Inc., a nationwide provider of liability insurance to long-term care facilities, has merged with Sophia Palmer Nurses RRG, Inc. of Florida.

Sophia Palmer RRG was established in 2006 to provide nurses in Florida with professional liability coverage that was not available in the traditional insurance market. As a result of the merger, availability of coverage will be extended to nurses in 48 states served by Lewis & Clark

Sanford Elsass, president of The Uni-Ter Group, administrator of both risk retention groups, said the merger will permit nurses to keep their insurance when they move from state to state – a benefit not previously available.

As an RRG, policyholders are shareholders. They own the company. Under the merger, nurses holding stock in Sophia Palmer will receive equivalent shares of Lewis & Clark.

Through the merger, coverage will be open to additional professional classes of allied healthcare providers and facilities. Existing policies will be converted to Lewis & Clark at renewal so medical practitioners covered by existing policies will not need to take any action.

The merger went into effect Dec. 4, 2009.