Florida Insurance Economist Spudeck Honored

December 7, 2009

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) today presented Dr. Raymond Spudeck, senior research economist with the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation, with the organization’s most prestigious individual honor. Spudeck was presented the Robert Dineen Award at the NAIC Winter National Meeting in San Francisco.

Spudeck has provided expertise and drafted policy papers and legislation for national regulatory issues including catastrophe reserving, catastrophe funds, reinsurance collateralization, risk-transfer, securities valuation and rating organizations.

At the request of a member of Congress, Spudeck recently drafted federal legislation to create a National Catastrophe Risk Consortium that would allow states to join for the purposes of transferring catastrophe risk. It would provide for liquidity and catastrophic loans for state and regional reinsurance programs.

Spudeck has also acted as an advisor to Congressional staff on behalf of the NAIC to assist national policymakers in understanding the state of the property insurance market.

“Ray’s profound and far-reaching contributions to developing a national catastrophe plan are invaluable to our system of state regulation,” said Roger Sevigny, NAIC president and New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner. “Additionally, his prolific work on international economic matters has substantially increased the NAIC’s visibility on a global level.”