Proposed West Virginia ‘Fat Tax’ Hit

October 27, 2009

West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin’s proposal that the state Public Employees Insurance Agency consider charging higher premiums for overweight workers has drawn criticism.

Gordon Simmons, an organizer for state Public Employees Union UE 170 says the proposal amounts to a “fat tax” that will drive employee morale down.

Kanawha County Commission President Kent Carper has sent a letter to PEIA Director Ted Cheatham urging him to reject the proposal.

Carper says the state should emulate Kanawha County by offering incentives to workers who get regular checkups and blood tests.

Last week, Cheatham said higher premiums might encourage workers to lose weight. PEIA already charges smokers higher premiums than nonsmokers.

Last week, North Carolina’s public employee health insurance program announced that it will start charging higher premiums for overweight policyholders, beginning in July 2011.