Insurance Golfers: Birthplace of U.S. Golf in West Virginia For Sale

August 19, 2009 by

Attention all you insurance industry golfers filling out your gift lists: the birthplace of American golf is up for sale.

Lewis Keller, the owner of West Virginia’s Oakhurst Links, says that after 50 years, it’s time for someone else to oversee the nine-hole course that held its first competition in 1884.

The asking price: $4.5 million.

Keller bought the White Sulphur Springs property in 1959 from the family of the original owner, Russell Montague.

The course has been closed to public play this year although a national tournament was held this summer. Instead of using their own equipment, golfers at Oakhurst Links rely on replicas of hickory-shafted clubs and gutta-percha balls used a century ago.

The 86-year-old Keller said he hopes a new owner can be found to maintain the course in its current playable state.