Mississippi Insurance Chief Chaney to Run for Second Term in 2011

August 3, 2009

Mississippi Insurance Commissioner and State Fire Marshal Mike Chaney has already decided to run for re-election in 2011.

Chaney made the announcement during remarks at the Neshoba Fair.

He acknowledged that when he first ran two years ago he had called for the commissioner post to be changed from an elected to an appointed position. However, he said, that’s not happening.

“After two legislative sessions I have become convinced there is no appetite to change the position in this state anytime soon,” he said.

But, he added, he is OK with that.

“I have found that the 12 elected commissioners are more responsive to the needs of consumers,” he said.

Chaney, a Republican from Vicksburg, defeated Democrat Gary Anderson in the insurance commissioner’s race in 2007, succeeding long-time commissioner Walter Dale.