Kentucky County’s Insurer Pays $2.1 Million to Settle Crash Suit

December 8, 2008

Garrard County’s insurance company has paid $2.1 million to the estate of a central Kentucky man killed in a fiery car crash involving a former a county employee.

The Advocate-Messenger reports the lawsuit was filed by the ex-wife of 43-year-old Willard Quinn on behalf of his juvenile son over an accident that involved former Emergency Management Director Dwayne Nave.

A test showed Nave had a blood-alcohol content of .12 percent, above the .08 level the state considers legally drunk, when he collided with Quinn in April 2007.

Nave has pleaded not guilty to criminal charges of murder, assault and driving under the influence. His trial is set for March in Garrard Circuit Court.

Lawyers declined to comment, citing a confidentiality agreement.


Information from: The Advocate-Messenger,