Alabama Chief Examiner to Lead Society of Financial Examiners

September 24, 2008

Richard Ford, chief examiner of the Alabama Department of Insurance since 1993, accepted election as president of the Society of Financial Examiners at the organization’s recent annual meeting in Nashville, Tenn.

At the Department of Insurance, Ford directs the efforts of a staff that examines more than 1,300 insurance companies and generates more than $270 million in taxes.

Ford, who will lead SOFE for the next year, began his public service career as an auditor for the Alabama Department of Revenue before joining the Department of Insurance in 1981. He was named Assistant Chief Examiner in 1985 before his promotion in 1993.

The Society of Financial Examiners is a professional society for examiners of insurance companies, banks, savings and loans, and credit unions. It has a membership of more 1,700 representing the United States, England, Canada, Virgin Islands and American Samoa. It is an organization where financial examiners of insurance companies, banks, savings and loans, and credit unions come together for training and to exchange information.

Source: Alabama Department of Insurance