West Virginia Suit Seeks Damages from Builder, Subcontractors

June 26, 2008

Ten current and former homeowners in a Charles Town, W.Va. subdivision are suing a builder and subcontractors, claiming the company failed to install functional radon removal systems.

In one instance, the homeowners contend the builder installed fake pipes to fool building inspectors.

The homeowners state in their lawsuit that Jefferson County is an Environmental Protection Agency “Zone 1 radon area.” That means the county is an area with high levels of the naturally occurring, colorless and odorless radioactive gas. Studies have linked radon to lung cancer.

The lawsuit was filed in Jefferson County Circuit Court. It names Richmond American Homes of West Virginia and three subcontractors.

The plaintiffs are seeking seeking compensatory and punitive damages and fees. They are requesting a jury trial.

Information from: The Journal, http://journal-news.net/