Redman: From Insurance Salesman to Atlanta’s Starting Quarterback

April 18, 2008 by

Think playing quarterback is tough?

Try selling insurance.

“I thought the NFL was a cutthroat business,” Chris Redman joked Wednesday, coming off the field after a two-hour practice with the Atlanta Falcons. “Let me tell you, the insurance business is just as cutthroat.”

Redman should know. He was out of the NFL for three long years, time spent getting an idea of life in the real world. He found it was a lot more fun playing football than going door to door trying to sell property and casualty insurance to major corporations.

“Cold calls,” they’re known as. “You’re walking up, you don’t even know who you’re going to be talking to and you’re trying to get their business,” Redman said. “I could tell them I used to be an NFL player, but you’ve got to work, too. I wasn’t the best at it. I had been playing football my whole life. Football is what I’m best at. It was definitely an eye opener.”

Redman’s ticket back into the league came when the Falcons hired Bobby Petrino as coach before last season.

“It’s a totally different mind-set for me this year,” Redman said. “Last year, I was just worried about making the team and trying to contribute wherever I could. This year, I’ve kind of got a different role. I’ve got to step up my play. I’m putting more pressure on myself. I want this team to win.”

Redman started his career with the Baltimore Ravens. He played 10 games in four years, including six starts, but his career was sidetracked by shoulder and back problems. From 2004-06, he was cut by New England and Tennessee, and flopped in a tryout with Cincinnati.

“He’s not flashy. He’s not egotistical. He’s not cocky,” said fullback Ovie Mughelli, who played with Redman at Baltimore and is now lining up with him again. “What he has is a quiet confidence that’s necessary to lead a team.”

It remains to be seen how he’ll do in a system other than Petrino’s.

“We’re going to be able to get some guys wide open because (defenses) will have to put extra guys in the box,” Redman said. “I think it’s a great offense. I’m really excited about it.”