3 Additional Tennessee Counties Approved for Federal Disaster Aid

February 22, 2008

The federal government authorized a major disaster declaration for three more counties in Tennessee, according to Gov. Phil Bredesen.

Fayette, Haywood and McNairy Counties are now eliglble for federal assistance in addition to several previously designated counties.

Wednesday’s authorizations were made in a second amendment to the Major Disaster Declaration for the State of Tennessee for storms that struck the state on Feb. 5 and 6.

Fayette County is authorized to receive both individual and public assistance. Haywood and McNairy Counties are authorized for public assistance. This amendment of the disaster declaration brings the total number of counties authorized to receive some form of federal assistance to 16.

“It takes the partnership of all levels of government – local, state and federal – to recover from a storm event of this magnitude,” said Bredesen. “I’m pleased to see federal disaster aid continue to be authorized for impacted areas of Tennessee to supplement ongoing state and local recovery efforts.”

Five of the state’s hardest hit counties: Hardin, Macon, Madison, Shelby and Sumner, were authorized for both individual and public assistance on Feb. 7. The Feb. 20 amendment makes additional categories of public assistance available to those five counties.

Eight counties were added to the disaster declaration with an amendment on Feb. 12, including individual assistance for Benton, Hickman, Houston, Lewis, Montgomery, Perry, Trousdale and Williamson Counties. The Feb. 20 amendment also adds public assistance designations for Benton, Hickman, Houston, Lewis, Perry, Trousdale and Williamson Counties.

On Feb. 14, Bredesen announced the State of Tennessee will help local governments receiving federal public assistance funding meet their obligation to provide matching funds. The state will provide half of those matching dollars – about $2.5 million – to help ease the burden on local governments.

Federal funding authorized by the disaster declaration falls into two main categories – individual and public assistance. Individual assistance can include grants and loans to individuals or businesses to help pay for temporary housing, home repairs and other serious disaster-related expenses.

Public assistance allows public agencies and certain non-profit agencies and utilities providing essential public service to seek reimbursement of 75 percent of eligible spending for recovery operations. These eligible operations may include debris removal, overtime for police and fire departments and other public workers, and repair or restoration of roads, bridges, public utilities, water control facilities, and public buildings.

Residents and business owners who sustained losses in the counties authorized for federal assistance should apply for assistance immediately by registering online at www.fema.gov.

Source: Office of the Governor of Tennessee