Fla. Regulator: Allstate Compliance Still in Question

January 25, 2008 by

Allstate Insurance Co., in an ongoing exchange with the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation, submitted between 12,000 and 13,000 pages of documents Wednesday, according to a company spokesman.

Allstate’s Adam Shores said the latest batch of documents, based on a McKinsey & Co. report, relate to the insurer’s auto claims practices, specifically third party bodily injury claims.

While OIR Director of Communications Ed Domansky revealed that Wednesday’s documents are the first the state has received since Dec. 31, Shores said Allstate continues to provide requested documentation on a weekly basis and that this latest delivery provides insight into the sheer volume of the ongoing transaction.

Domansky said this week’s Allstate submission – about six boxes full – is a step in the right direction but that it hardly represents full compliance.

“The point is that it is not up to Allstate to tell Commissioner (Kevin) McCarty what is important to the investigation,” Domansky said.

Allstate was directed to present all requested documentation (specified in a subpoena served on Oct. 16, 2007) at a scheduled two-day hearing beginning Jan. 15. McCarty abruptly halted the meeting early in the day on Jan. 15 when he discovered that Allstate appeared without the requested material.

Domansky said the boxes of documents delivered on Wednesday contain information that dates back to the early 1990s.

“Allstate’s statement of full cooperation is irrelevant,” Domansky said. “It took the pressure of the commissioner and the investigation to get them to produce documentation that was due on Jan. 15.”

The subpoena can be viewed at the following Web site: http://www.floir.com/pdf/allstatesubpoena.pdf