Unofficial Results Show Chaney as Miss. Insurance Commisssioner

November 7, 2007

While Mississippi precincts offficially have 10 days to report election results, unofficial counts show Republican Mike Chaney at approximately 57 percent over Democrat Gary Anderson’s 43 percent in the contest for Insurance Commissioner.

This year’s race for Mississippi Insurance Commissioner was underscored by the end of a long reign – the longest for any Insurance Commissioner in U.S. history – as Chaney and Anderson vied for George Dale’s 32-year seat.

Chaney wants to increase competition in the private insurance market to draw insurers who fled the state in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, back to the coast. Enforcement of tighter building codes is also high on Chaney’s priorities list.

In the race for Mississippi governor, incumbent Republican Haley Barbour has unofficially captured aproximately 58 percent of the tally to challenger Democrat John Eaves’s 42 percent after Tuesday’s vote.