Unlicensed Fla. Agent Arrested in Under Cover Operation

August 14, 2007

A former Florida insurance agent who had his license revoked last year by the Department of Financial Services is now facing criminal charges after he allegedly offered to sell insurance to an undercover insurance fraud detective.

Mark Dwain Hannifin, 45, owner and operator of Hannifin & Associates in Wellington, Fla., was arrested earlier this month on charges of soliciting insurance without a license and transacting insurance without a license. If convicted Hannifin faces up to five years in prison on each count in addition to fines and restitution.

On Aug. 1, an undercover DIF detective posing as a customer met with Hannifin at Hannifin’s office. The meeting was captured on both audio and video recordings. Hannifin allegedly asked the detective for information necessary to complete an application for general liability insurance, and then advised the detective that he would contact him regarding when he could pick up the certificate.

On Aug 2, Hannifin’s office called the detective and requested a facsimile number where he could send the application. The detective received a letter from Hannifin with a general liability insurance quote from Western World Insurance Company, instructing the detective to sign the application and provide a check for the premium down payment to Hannifin & Associates.

The detective arranged to drop off the application and payment in person, but instead delivered handcuffs.

Hannifan’s agent license was revoked in 2006 after he collected premiums but failed to place coverage and sold unauthorized insurance products.

Source: Florida Department of Financial Services