W.Va. Miner Dies From Injuries Suffered in Weekend Accident

August 9, 2007

State and federal mine safety officials are investigating an accident that killed a section foreman at a mine in West Virginia’s Mingo County.

Stevie Joe Browning, 24, died Monday at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Huntington, two days after he suffered head injuries at the Rockhouse Creek Development No. 8 Mine near Gilbert, said West Virginia Miners’ Health, Safety and Training spokeswoman Caryn Gresham.

Browning was helping a mechanic make some repairs to a continuous mining operator Saturday evening when the machine’s torque shaft came loose, Gresham said.

Earlier this year, Rockhouse Creek Development received a Mountaineer Guardian Award from the West Virginia Coal Association for excellence in mine safety for 2006.

John Earles, Rockhouse Creek’s director of human resources, said the company is cooperating with investigators from the state agency and the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration and also conducting its own probe into the cause of the accident.

“All of us are now focused on the Browning family and our employees as they cope with this tragic loss,” he said.

Browning’s death is West Virginia’s third mining fatality of 2007. Two miners were killed in a January roof fall in McDowell County.