Agent, Councilman Sentenced to Probation in Ala. Corruption Probe

March 26, 2007

Orange Beach City Councilman Joseph McCarron was fined $1,000 and sentenced to six months of unsupervised probation for his conviction in a corruption case.

McCarron, 69, who appeared in Baldwin County court in a wheelchair on March 21 due to illness, had pleaded guilty two months ago to 15 counts of using his jobs on the City Council and Planning Commission to sway businesses to his insurance firm.

His lawyer and prosecutors agreed that McCarron’s illegal votes in favor of developments for which he later sold insurance were unintentional. The charges, originally felonies, were reduced to misdemeanors.

“It appears to the court that the defendant exercised poor judgment rather than an intent to violate any ethics law,” said Circuit Court Judge Charles Partin at sentencing.

Information from: Press-Register