TriSure’s Folger Named President-Elect of N.C. Agents Group

March 23, 2007

R. Cleve Folger, a founding partner at TriSure Corp., was named president elect of the Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina.
Folger will assume his duties at the association’s annual convention in October.

A member of the IIANC board since 1996, Folger said legislative issues will be important during his tenure as president.

“Our association is very concerned about the continued accessibility and affordability of insurance in North Carolina, particularly with regard to the coastal area,” Folger said.

The IIANC will work closely with the N.C. Department of Insurance and state legislature to keep rates affordable for consumers, he added.

Folger, a graduate of George State University, holds professional certifications as both a Certified Insurance Counselor and Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter.

Source: TriSure Corp.