Public Hearings Set for Nationwide, USAA Rate Filings in Fla.

September 15, 2006

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (Office) has scheduled public hearings for Sept. 19 and 26 on rate filings submitted by Nationwide Insurance Company of Florida, United Services Automobile Association, USAA Casualty Insurance Company, and USAA General Indemnity Company. Hearings for the rate filing by Nationwide will be held in Gulfport and hearings for USAA companies will be held in Pensacola.

The basis for a public hearing concerning Nationwide was its initial rate filing of 71.5 percent for its homeowners business in Florida. Since the initial filing, Nationwide has amended its rates and those proposed rates are currently under review. The public hearing for this filing will take place Sept. 19, 2006, at 1:00 p.m. The location of the hearing will be at the Gulfport Senior Center, 5501 27th Avenue South, Gulfport, Fla.

United Services Automobile Association, USAA Casualty Insurance Company and USAA General Indemnity Company have filed for a statewide average increase of 40 percent for its homeowners rates in Florida. Those companies have also filed for a 7.2 percent statewide average increase in their dwelling, fire and allied lines products in Florida. The public hearing for these rate filings will occur Sept. 26, 2006, at 1:00 p.m. The hearings will be located at Pensacola Junior College, Room 250, 1000 College Boulevard, Pensacola.

The requested rates are not uniform and some areas in the state are subject to higher or lower rate changes. Florida law requires that the Office hold public hearings on rate filings for statewide average increases exceeding 15 percent or for any purpose deemed necessary by the Office.

These hearings are open to the public and input from interested parties will be accepted. Those unable to attend the public hearings are welcome to forward comments to the Office at The subject line of e-mails should include the name of the company of interest and the words rate hearings.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this hearing should telephone Sam Coskey at (850) 413-2616 or e-mail him at at least 48 hours prior to the hearing.

Source: Florida Office of Insurance Regulation