Atlanta Marine Seminars Scheduled May 17

May 9, 2006

Two commercial marine continuing education seminars are scheduled May 17 in Atlanta by LIG Educational and Consulting Services Inc. of St. Petersburg, Fla. The seminars are designed to provide quality education and instruction for insurance professionals including the agent, broker, C.S.R., underwriter who wishes to expand their knowledge of this field for both internal understanding and obtaining new clients and obtain continuing education credits.

Navigating Commercial Marine Liabilities will feature an in-depth seminar that will discuss third-party liabilities for marine entities and the major exclusions and limitations in non-marine commercial general liability forms. This course will provide three hours of continuing education.

It will include an overview of CGL Exclusion G , Your Product and Your Work Exclusion, and the CCC Exclusion is provided with recommendations of how to plug these gaps for clients. Major concerns to marine businesses are the rating structure and premium calculations of CGL forms; and included in the seminar are examples of how to protect your clients from costly audits. Additionally, the typical policy structure in the Collision and Towers Liability Form is discussed with examples provided of how to avoid potential E&O claims by properly structuring this form.

Navigating Marine Workers Compensation will provide an expansive discussion of the Longshore and Harborworkers Act, Maritime Employers Liability, Merchant Marine Act (the Jones Act), protection and indemnity and all forms of marine exposure for employees.

The class will cover how to properly identify these various exposures, the recommended coverages for them, plus how they fit into a risk management program of businesses with maritime exposures. This seminar provides examples of dry, damp and wet employees and includes a review of the status and situs tests for Longshore, as well as an overview of the marine employees excluded from the Longshore Act. Court decisions relating to this topic are cited throughout the seminar as the issues of maritime workers insurance are complex. Penalties for not carrying coverage are outlined as defined by the U.S.
Department of Labor.

Seminar fees are $125 per person for the day and include tuition, workbook, continental breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks. Seminar schedules and registration information is available at, or by calling (727) 578-2800.