Flood Insurance Class Slated May 17 by Dade County, Fla. Big ‘I’

May 3, 2006

“The Reality of Flood Insurance,” a three-hour continuing education course, will be presented by Shawn Tinsley during a three-hour continuing education curse sponsored on May 17 by the Independent Insurance Agents of Dade County held in Miami at the Sheraton Miami Mart Hotel.

Topics covered during the course will range from the National Flood Insurance Program and lender requirements, federal agency reviews, the Standard Application, preferred risk policies, residential condominium building association policies, claims and claim filing, elevation certificates, cancellations and repetitive loss filings.

According to Fidelity National P&C Insurance Co., the sponsor of the course, these topics will enhance the knowledge of the agent and assist when it comes time to write flood policies.

IIADC member price for the course is $20, non-members pay $45. Reservations for the meeting are available by contacting iiadc@iiadc.com, or calling (305) 969-6935.

Source: Independent Insurance Agents of Dade County