Gov. Bush Recommends $565M Hurricane Preparedness Budget

April 28, 2006

A $565 million hurricane preparedness budget which includes funding for response and recovery recommendations has been recommended by Gov. Jeb Bush and Lt. Governor Toni Jennings.

According to Gov. Bush, the recommendations include new efforts to significantly enhance Florida’s ability to prepare for hurricanes, respond quickly in the aftermath of a storm, recover from the damage and impacts to the economy and mitigate future threats to public safety and infrastructure.

The $565 million package includes funding to harden county emergency operations centers, make existing homes more disaster resistant, install permanent generators in all special needs shelters, create safe public shelter for an additional 100,000 people, repair and rehabilitate homes in communities severely impacted by the 2004 and 2005 storms and raise public awareness on the critical need to prepare for hurricanes.

“All indications are that we will have another active hurricane season,” said Florida Division of Emergency Management Director Craig Fugate. “A successful response starts well before a storm makes landfall – with families, communities and counties planning and preparing for a potential emergency.”

The 2006 Atlantic Hurricane Season begins on June 1.

Source: Gov. Jeb Bush