N.C. Launches ATV Safety Campaign

April 20, 2006

North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Jim Long has announced a statewide ATV safety blitz involving Safe Kids North Carolina, where volunteers across the state will coordinate efforts to educate parents and caregivers about North Carolina’s recent ATV legislation, which introduces safety requirements for children riding all terrain vehicles.

Events this week will focus on the law’s requirements by distributing more than 400,000 educational cards explaining what parents need to know about which size ATVs are appropriate for children and general ATV safety.

The law (S.L. 2005-282), passed last December, mandates safety precautions and size limitations for youth riders. Since 1999, nearly 200 ATV-related deaths occurred in North Carolina, with children under the age of 16 representing one third of the victims. As the SKNC state chair, Commissioner Long understands the necessity of the statewide educational sweep. “Unless the public knows about it, this ATV law won’t keep anyone safe,” he said. “North Carolina has had too many deaths and serious injuries related to ATVs, so this law is extremely important to all of our citizens, especially our young people.”

Long added that until the law was enacted, North Carolina was one of only five states nationwide with no regulations for ATVs.

The new law, in summary, requires:

• Children must be at least 8 years old to legally operate an ATV. They must also ride the ATV that is appropriately sized for their age.
8 to 11-year-olds — under 70cc engine

12 to 15-year-olds — 70 to 90cc engine

16-year-olds and older — over 90cc engine

• Children under 18 must be continuously supervised by an adult while riding an ATV.

• No rider may carry a passenger, except on machines specifically designed to do so.

• Riders must wear helmets and face protection.

• ATVs may not be operated on public streets, roads or highways, except for purposes of crossing.

• Effective Oct. 1, all riders born on or after Jan. 1, 1990 must posses a safety certificate indicating successful completion of an ATV safety course sponsored or approved by the ATV Safety Institute.

• Noncompliance is subject to a fine of $200; however, the law does not apply to the operation of ATVs when used for farm purposes or for hunting or trapping.