Round Table Discussions to Focus on Miami-Dade County Market

March 10, 2006

‘Speed-meeting’ round table discussions in which members will sit at tables and have an opportunity to talk with underwriters and discuss the current market, products and services, sponsored by the Independent Insurance Agents of Dade County Young Agents, will be held March 22 at the Sheraton Miami Mart Hotel in Miami, Fla.

According to an IIADC spokesperson, the meeting will be based on the popular concept of “speed dating.” Round table discussions will be timed, and when the allotted time has elapsed, company representatives will get up and change tables.

More than 20 company representatives have already agreed to participate in this meeting, with more expected. Participants include managing general agents, carriers and premium finance organizations.

For more details, or to register, go to, or email, (305) 969-6935, fax (305) 969-4897.