‘Longshore Forum’ Web Site Launched by LIG Marine Managers

January 4, 2006

A Web site designed as an independent source of information and resources on Longshore insurance topics has been launched by LIG Marine Managers of St. Petersburg, Fla.

The Web site is open to all marine businesses, insurance professionals, attorneys and anyone involved in the complex world of Longshore. The Web site, www.Longshoreforum.com is live and ready to assist visitors.

“Longshore 101” and “Longshore FAQs”, found on the site’s home page, provide an excellent introduction and overview of Longshore. The “Longshore Forum,” also found on the home page, is a place for visitors to ask questions, voice opinions and find answers to Longshore questions.

This interactive Forum provides timely responses and additional in-depth information for all questions. The “Longshore News” page provides the latest developments and news on Longshore, with an archive page for previous items. The “Library” page provides a map of the United States with links to authorized agents who can assist clients with their Longshore placements.

Karen Tischler, LIG Marine Managers’ marketing director, welcomes comments and suggestions about the Web site at (866) 578-2800 ext. 321, or klt@LIGInsurance.com.