Early Registration Deadline Sept. 23: FAIA Announces Management and Automation Training Seminar Topics

September 1, 2005

A line-up of expert management and technology speakers have been announced by the Florida Association of Insurance Agent’s Management and Automation Training Seminar, “MATS 2005,” taking place Oct. 16 to 18 at the Caribe Royale Resort in Orlando, Fla. Sept. 23 is the cutoff date to save with early registrations.

Management and Technology topics include:

“Finding the Perfect Employee (or, Fishing in an Empty Pond!),” with Lisa H. Harrington. Having trouble filling all the chairs in your office? Is turnover an issue? Do you feel like you’re fishing for employees in an empty pond? If so this two-hour session will outline all the strategies to find, interview, select and hire the right person for the right job in your agency. Turnover expenses are enormous, so this session will pay for itself many times over! This session has been approved by the DFS for two hours of continuing education credits (intermediate) Generic LHV/GL/Title CE# 38752.

“Document Management Technology: Considerations and Impact on Consumers,” with Bob Larrivee. Making the right decision about this level of technology and file management can directly impact the experience a customer has when working with the agency. During the session, Larrivee will present an overview of document imaging and document management technology, considerations an agent should make when evaluating the technology, and the improved service and risk management that will be provided to the consumer by its use. By taking this class, you will learn the impact it will have on agency service levels and customer satisfaction. Larrivee is an internationally recognized lecturer with over 20 years of experience in the application of advanced technologies, currently holds a seat with the AIIM EmTAG Committee, and was the AIIM 2003 Conference chair after serving three years on the Conference Committee. Larrivee is director of sales and marketing for the Americas with Docubase Systems, an international provider of ECM solutions. He leads a skilled team to work with new and existing customers in identifying and developing expanded use of ECM technologies within their business practices, recruits and trains new channel partners, and forms alliances with key industry leaders to enhance the overall EDMS solutions and functionality. This session has been approved by the DFS for two hours (intermediate) Generic Life and General Lines CE# 51647.

“Does Your Disaster Plan Include Business Continuity?,” with Richard Roy, AFNI Insurance Services. If it doesn’t, you may just find yourself in the midst of a disaster and unable to service your customers. Most disaster plans help you recover from the disaster, but do they keep you in business, answer your calls, and service your customers throughout the disaster? What if your office is hit? Imagine no phone lines and no electricity to access your computers. What would you do? This is when your customers need you most—where would they go? There is an answer, and it is business continuity management. Attendees will learn what is needed to stay in business throughout the disaster and what you need to create your business continuity plan. This session has been approved by the DFS for two hours (intermediate) Generic Life and General Lines CE #53020.

Key Considerations in Disaster Planning & Management for Insurance Agencies, with Paul Peeples, FAIA’s vice president of Information & Technology. This class should be considered a necessary training tool for agencies to be prepared for any type of disaster. Insurance agents and their agencies are one of the first businesses dealing with the consumer directly after a disaster. The average consumer will look to the agency for policy and claims information and assistance, and this class is designed to aid the agent in providing top-notch quality service in the wake of a natural or manmade disasters.This session has been approved by the DFS for two hours (intermediate) General Lines (Property & Casualty) CE# 52656.

Registration information is available at www.faia.com.