Crawford & Company Adjusters, Communications Trucks Standing By

September 1, 2005

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Crawford & Company has announced in Atlanta that it has deployed hundreds of adjusters and two of its satellite communications catastrophe mobile units in what is expected to be an extended, months-long response to serve insurance carriers and their policyholders. In addition to its many local Claims Management Services branch offices throughout the Gulf Coast area, Crawford & Company has established catastrophe command centers in Mobile, Ala., and Baton Rouge, La., and is in the process of establishing a center in Hattiesburg, Miss.

Crawford & Company began deploying adjusters late last week after its hurricane tracking software indicated that Katrina’s path would take it across the peninsula of Florida and back into the Gulf of Mexico where it would likely strengthen and make landfall again.

While many of the hardest hit areas may be inaccessible for weeks, Crawford & Company adjusters will be on the scene at reachable affected sites and are already planning to be among the first to reach heavily damaged areas once they become accessible.

A company spokesperson said its satellite communication trucks will provide a stable source of power and wireless communications to Crawford and Company field units and adjusters. The trucks are designed to facilitate voice/data transfer when infrastructure is compromised, which allows Crawford & Company CAT adjusters to begin processing claims immediately, no matter where the catastrophe strikes.

“Hurricane Katrina has had a tremendous impact on the lives of millions of people. Crawford & Company will make every effort to assist these people in getting their lives back to normal by quickly and efficiently adjusting their claims,” Tom Crawford, president and CEO said. “We have deployed resources and personnel in response to the affected areas and have begun processing claims in the areas that our adjusters can access. However, this is a long-term event and our adjusters are prepared to be there for as long as it takes.”

As part of its efforts Crawford & Company has established special toll-free telephone lines for clients experiencing difficulty contacting their local branches in heavily-affected areas in Louisiana and Mississippi. The company said client data stored in its computers is secure and has not been affected by Katrina or weather caused by the storm.

Because recovery from Katrina will be a months-long effort, Crawford & Company has stepped up its recruiting and training efforts to meet the rising demand for adjusting services.

A complete list of Crawford & Company’s branch offices and updates on its activities are available at: