Crawford & Co.’s CAT Communications Truck Performs Well in Pensacola, Fla. Hurricane Dennis Tryouts

July 18, 2005

A stable source of power and wireless communications to field units and adjusters was provided last week when Crawford & Co. dispatched a new satellite Catastrophic Services (CAT) communications truck to Pensacola, Fla. last week after Hurricane Dennis struck the area.

The trucks are designed to facilitate voice/data transfer when infrastructure is compromised, which allows Crawford CAT adjusters to begin processing claims immediately, no matter where the catastrophe strikes.

Via satellite, the trucks provide 10 to 15 wireless voice lines and more than 250 wireless Internet connections. Each truck also powers a generator which CAT adjusters can use to charge laptop computers, mobile phones, and other business tools. This technology allows Crawford CAT adjusters to drive up to the truck and download loss assignments. Similarly they can upload reports back to an office where claims processing can continue. This allows Crawford adjusters the freedom to work from virtually anywhere under extreme conditions.

“Although the damage from Dennis was not as severe as predicted, Crawford used the opportunity to test our new technology under non-controlled conditions and we were very pleased,” Bud Trice, vice president and head of Crawford’s CAT Services said. “The equipment performed even better than expected. In fact, one pleasant, but unexpected side effect was that the satellite signal from the truck was so powerful, that even from the parking lot it provided wireless Internet connections for our CAT Services storm office in Pensacola.”

Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Crawford & Co. is a large independent provider of claims management solutions to insurance companies and self-insured entities, with a global network of more than 700 offices in 63 countries.