Dixieland Music Kicks FAIA Exhibit, Conference Into High-Gear

June 23, 2005 by

A Dixieland jazz band, the Swing Sisters and a strolling magician entertained more than 1,000 Florida agents on June 22 as the Florida Association of Insurance Agents opened afternoon exhibits at the Gaylord Conference Center in Orlando, Fla.

In mid-afternoon, FAIA’s registration desk reported an initial count of more than 1,500 members had already checked in for the 101st Annual Anniversary Convention and Education Symposium, with more expected.

The 12:30 p.m. grand opening of the exhibit hall featured a “POWER Lunch” which drew everyone to the center of the hall, from where they crowded around more than 175 exhibits. Agents from across Florida and the southeast viewed elaborate exhibits including a chopped red 1957 Chevy, fossil hunts and drawings for golf clubs, combined with a wide variety of handouts. The event included a “POWER” lunch, but in case anyone got hungry, there was a 3 to 4 p.m. ice cream break, followed by several prize drawings.

A “Taste of the World,” opening night party followed a short break at 6 p.m. when the exhibit hall closed for the night. During the extravaganza conventioneers experienced the sights, sounds and flavors of the world. There were individual areas in which food and entertainment from five parts of the world were available: America, Asia, Latin America, Europe and the Polynesian Islands. Entertainment included great American music, Chinese acrobats and Japanese Geisha girls, hot Latin salsa dancing, high-energy Irish dancing and traditional Polynesian dancers.

FAIA’s educational sessions began June 22, finished up just before the exhibit opened, and continue June 23 and 24.

Friday general session

On Friday June 24, FAIA Chairman Dick Brown will welcome conventioneers to the 8 a.m. general session. Morning presentations will include, “The Power of One Brand – Trusted Choice,” featuring three panelists who have been instrumental in the program’s implementation, Tom Van Berkel, president and CEO of Main Street America Group; Ron Smith, IIABA past president; Alex Soto, IIABA vice president; and Ron Sachs, Ron Sachs Communications president.

Raymond C. Thomas, CEO of Zurich North America Small Business will discuss “L”eadership R.O.I. will discuss how property/casualty industry results challenge agents’ survivability, innovation, creativity and problem solving every day.

Roger Looyenga, CEO of Auto-Owners Insurance will give “A View on Success” during which he will discuss challenges faced by Florida agents such as decreased commission levels and increased workloads.

Security expert Frank Abagnale will give the final presentation about “The Art of the Steal,” in which he will discuss forgery, embezzlement and secure documents.

The exhibit hall will open at 11:30 a.m.

Friday afternoon will feature educational “breakout sessions,” beginning at 1:30 p.m. “Position Yourself as an Insurance Expert,” presented by Edwin L. Lamont, founder and president of Lamont Consulting Group Inc.; “The Retail Agent’s Guide to Successfully Using the Wholesale market,” by David W. Henry; “Florida Market Assistance Plan Online Referral Program,” by Joe Bouthillier; “Ethics and the Insurance Professional: A Conversation,” with Bill Perkins; and Agency Catastrophe Planning – To Be … Or Not to Be … Prepared: A Look at Catastrophe Planning,” with David Thompson and Kay Bishop.

Saturday’s program features a prayer breakfast with Bill Barber about “How to Live Above Average,” followed by five educational sessions: “Professional Field Underwriting 2: Providing “ECS” in the Private Passenger Auto Market,” taught by Tom Freeland; “Extended Services for the Changing Needs of Your Business—Tools to Better Server Your Policyholders and Round Out Your Disaster Plans,” with Richard Roy, AFNI Insurance Services; “Life and Health Insurance: Nuts and Bolts for the Multi-line Agent,” with Tom Ashley, vice president of Professional Development and Communications; “Seven Things Agents Need to Know About Hurricane Mitigation Techniques and Incentives,” with Leslie Chapman-Henderson; and “Managing Your Global Insurance Program,” with Tony Stevens.

The conference will conclude on Saturday with a 11:45 business and awards luncheon during which FAIA will present awards and install officers and directors.