Watchdog Group Questions Blue Cross of N.C.’s U.S. Open Expenses

June 17, 2005, a watchdog company for Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance in North Carolina has released paperwork indicating that the company has spent close to $500,000 to support the U.S. Open.
“While the golfers are beating the heat at the U.S. Open, some top Blue Cross executives are enjoying front row seats, some say all thanks to the premiums you pay,” WNCT-TV9 reports.

“Are you one of the nearly 3-million people in North Carolina with Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance? You may be surprised to know–the money you’re paying may not all be going to your health insurance,” the station reports.

According to Gary Pearce is a ProCare consultant, Blue Cross is misusing the money consumers pay for health care. “What the money goes for is rooms, liquor, meals, golf tickets, a nice spot to watch the golf tournament out of the heat and also free rounds of golf at some of the other courses in Pinehurst,” Pearce said. “They’re having a fine time on our money here.”

Michelle Douglas a Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina spokesperson says, “This has been a budgeted expense over the course of several years and it’s something that we view as a cost of doing business and a growing relationship building expense.” She wouldn’t tell WNCT-TV9 exactly how much they paid to be supporters of the event, neither would Pinehurst Resort.

She says at least 80 cents of every premium dollar paid by policyholders goes to health care. The rest pays salaries and for events like this; events she says are necessary to compete with the for profit organizations.

Douglas says this isn’t the first time. They sponsored the U.S. Open back in 1999 and also the U.S. Women’s Open in 2001. To keep things in perspective, the U.S. Open is a tremendous way to bring in money to the state. It’s 28 hours of televised coverage you can’t buy. Even the state of North Carolina has a booth at the open.