Organizations Collaborate, Form ‘The Georgia Alliance’ Education Partnership

April 27, 2005

A collaboration between The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research and The Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) of Georgia has resulted in a new insurance education partnership in Georgia: The Georgia Alliance. The two organizations will work together in the conduct of all Alliance programs throughout Georgia.

“This partnership is a shared commitment to provide outstanding educational opportunities for insurance professionals in Georgia,” Danielle Janecka, vice president of The National Alliance said.

The administrative agreement includes the conduct of the entire spectrum of National Alliance offerings: Certified Insurance Counselors institutes, Certified Insurance Service Representatives courses, Certified Risk Managers courses, James K. Ruble Seminars and the Dynamics of Sales Training series.

“Meeting the educational needs of the professional insurance community is the goal of this collaboration,” Janecka explained.

The Georgia Alliance will be directed by PIA of Georgia’s current leaders: Steve Jones, president; Jerry W. Duke, executive vice president; and Carolyn Beierla, education coordinator. PIA of Georgia will be responsible for all National Alliance program marketing and administration in the state.

“By partnering with The National Alliance, the administration of the programs will be effectively enhanced and streamlined,” Duke said.

The Georgia Alliance will begin its administrative role effective July 2005.