Kentucky’s HU Adds New Board Members

March 4, 2005

Two Kentucky physicians were elected to the Subscribers Advisory Committee (Board) for Healthcare Underwriters Group of Kentucky (HU), a doctor-owned and governed medical professional liability insurance company, at the company’s annual meeting.

Robert Knight, MD, was re-elected to a three-year term. Knight practices emergency medicine and is Chief of Staff at Owensboro Mercy Health System, Owensboro, Kentucky. He was one of the first doctors in Kentucky to join HU and reportedly remains a staunch advocate of physician-owned insurance companies.

Also elected to a three-year term was Charles Nichols, M.D. Nichols practices family medicine in Pikeville, Kentucky.

For 2005-2006, the seven-member HU Subscribers Advisory Committee includes: Greg D’Angelo, MD, (Lexington), Jim Evans III, MD (Ft. Thomas), Knight (Owensboro), Linda Lear, MD, (Nicholasville), Art McLaughlin II, MD (Louisville), Nichols, MD (Pikeville), and Steven Salman, JD (HU’s Chief Executive Officer).

“Our board members represent doctors from across the state of Kentucky and from many different medical specialties,” said D’Angelo, president of HU’s Board and an orthopedic surgeon in Lexington.

“This company fills a unique niche in Kentucky’s medical professional liability insurance market and we expect that during 2005 many more physicians will decide to join us,” said D’Angelo.

Salman, noted that HU exceeded first year projections. Today, HU has more than 400 owner-policyholders, has received more than 900 applications, and expects to meet its second year goal of 600 insureds.

“This company was created to bring stability to Kentucky’s volatile medical malpractice insurance market and to provide Kentucky doctors with a reliable source for insurance,” said Salman. “We have already made great progress toward achieving these twin objectives.”

The company was launched in December 2003 to address Kentucky’s volatile medical liability crisis. Kentucky is one of 20 states deemed a medical malpractice insurance crisis state by the American Medical Association.

HU is non-profit and does not carry a premium load for profit. The company is licensed by the Kentucky Office of Insurance Regulation.

Hallmarks of HU include the company’s ownership and governance by Kentucky doctors, an aggressive defense of claims and a strong physician advocacy.