PIA of Ga. Issues ‘Watch List’ of Important Legislation

February 7, 2005

Civil justice reform and medical malpractice insurance are the topics to watch as today’s session of the Georgia Legislature convenes in Atlanta. A legislative update has been issued by the Professional Insurance Agents of Georgia indicating that these topics are capturing a large portion of media headlines and public attention. The legislature has reached the one-third mark for the 40-day calendar.

Bills have been introduced in both the Senate and the House that the authors hope will improve Georgia’s insurance climate; thus bringing more carriers to the state and relieve what some have called a Med-mal crisis.

PIA’s leadership, working directly with Georgia Insurance Commissioner Oxendine and his staff suggested acceptable insurance producer disclosures language. While some of the original language in the NAIC model legislation is unacceptable to both the commissioner and PIA, an Enhanced Insurance Producer Disclosure (based on NAIC model) offers greater protection. PIA has advised the bill’s author of its support of the enhanced Georgia language.

PIA’s update indicated the following legislation is of direct concern to the insurance industry in Georgia:
S.B. 3 – Civil Justice Reform: A tort reform bill that places caps on non-economic awards in malpractice lawsuits, tightens requirements on expert witnesses, and addresses venue. Passed by Senate; passed out of Special House Committee on Civil Justice Reform on Friday. Continues on the fast track toward passage.
S.B. 11 – Workers Compensation: Premium discount for insured with drug-free workplace program, so as to remove the existing eight-year limitation on the application of the discount. Assigned to Senate Insurance and Labor Committee.
S.B. 19 – Class Action Lawsuits: Provide for procedures, conditions, and limitations on certification of class actions. Assigned to Senate Judiciary Committee.
S.B. 22 – Malpractice Insurance: Medical malpractice insurance rate filings – S.B. 76 is the bill to watch and will see action.
S.B. 76 – Med-mal Rates: Prior approval for med-mal rate changes. Assigned to Senate Insurance and Labor Committee
H.B. 200 – Subsequent Injury Trust Fund: Change end-date to April 15. Favorably reported out of the House Committee on Industrial Relations.