Wanted: S.C. Insurance Commissioner, Strong Industry Background Essential

January 25, 2005

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford is carefully screening candidates, looking for someone with a strong insurance background to head the South Carolina Insurance Department.

After former Insurance Commissioner Ernie Csiszar resigned to take a position the Property Casualty Insurers Association the department has been running smoothly, so the governor is taking his time to look for a qualified candidate.

Gubernatorial spokesman Will Folks says Sanford is being deliberative and the agency is well-run, so there is no hurry.

The department oversees almost 2000 insurance companies doing business in the state. They paid $140 million in state taxes last year.

Csiszar left the department in August to become PCIA president and chief executive. Csiszar won praise from Sanford for how his agency handled budget cuts. Csiszar was appointed the insurance department’s director by former Governor Jim Hodges in 1999.