Fla. Insurance Regulators Approve QualSure, Sunshine State Insurance Merger

January 13, 2005

The merger of QualSure Insurance Corp. with and into Sunshine State Insurance Company of Ponte Verde Beach, Fla. has been approved by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation according to Bruce K. Howson, SSIC president and CEO.

Howson said OIR issued a consent order for the merger effective Dec. 31, 2004. All agent contracts and existing active policies will be insured by SSIC as of Dec. 31. An SSIC statement said the merger will facilitate a seamless transition to SSIC service and that the merger will enable it to serve customers with a combined greater range of insurance services and products without sacrificing the quality of service their agents and policyholders receive.

QualSure previously provided a variety of building and liability coverage, standard and preferred personal property and homeowners insurance.

Sunshine State Insurance Company is an “A” rated Demotech company specializing in personal property insurance across Florida. Its coverages include homeowners, personal articles, dwelling fire, personal liability and builders risk products.