Report: Fla., N.C. Had Best Scores in Bioterrorism Preparedness Assessment

December 16, 2004

Florida and North Carolina scored highest in a report “Protecting the Public’s Health in the Age of Bioterrorism,” released by the Trust for America’s Health.

The group measured 10 indicators to gauge state preparedness and readiness to respond to bioterrorist attacks and other health emergencies. The report noted that two-thirds of the states scored six or less out of the 10 indicators. Alaska and Massachusetts scored the lowest, with three out of 10.

Florida and North Carolina were the only two states to score nine out of 10; Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia were four of 20 states to receive six out of 10; Kentucky and Mississippi were two of eight states to receive seven out of 10; and Alabama was one of 11 states to score a five out of 10.

Progress has been made to protect the United States from a bioterror attack, but according to the report, more than three years after Sept. 11, 2001, the nation remains unprepared. Indicators used for the study ranged from state public health budgets, laboratories and testing capabilities, surveillance, and pandemic flu plans.

Based on some estimates, a flu pandemic hitting the United States could result in 89,000 to 207,000 deaths and cost between $71 billion and $167 billion. Tennessee could face more than 5,000 deaths from a flu pandemic, with 22,250 people being hospitalized in the first wave of such an outbreak. The full report is available on the Internet at