NAIC Award Honors Fla. Regulator

December 13, 2004

Rich Robleto, director of Life and Health Product Review at the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation has received the Robert Dineen Award from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). The award was presented at NAIC winter meetings in New Orleans.

“I am surprised and pleased to be honored with this award, but the credit, truly, should go to my staff,” Robleto said. “They are extremely talented and work very hard to make sure Floridians have both competitive and consumer friendly insurance choices.”

The Dineen Award recognizes Robleto’s outstanding service as a career regulator. In addition to the work he has done for Florida, Robleto has been at the center of NAIC efforts to create the Interstate Compact: a system that would provide more efficient, uniform state-based regulation.

Robleto joined the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation in 1999. Prior to coming to Florida he worked for more than 25 years in the life insurance industry. He is a Chartered Life Underwriter, a Fellow in the Life Management Institute and a Health Insurance Associate. Robleto also has a degree from Temple University and a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Delaware.

Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty said he was thrilled Robleto received the award. “In large part because of Rich’s work, Florida has a vibrant and competitive life insurance industry and we have made significant strides in improving our health insurance markets,” McCarty said. “But we are very aware of the significant challenges ahead; I know that Rich and his staff will not rest as we move forward to meet these tests.”