Alabama Agents Schedule March Legislative Conference

December 8, 2004

Alabama agents will be briefed about pending legislation, review topics to discuss with Alabama legislators and attend a BBQ at the Capital March 17 during the 18th Alabama Independent Insurance Agents Legislative Conference in Montgomery. The conference is hosted each year by AIIA’s Legislative, and Young Agents committees.

The highlight of the conference will be the presentation of AIIA’s “Lawmaker of the Year Award.” After the legislative briefing, participants will attend a BBQ lunch at the capitol and have the opportunity to talk to their legislators in the Capitol Tunnel. The event will be kicked off with a continental breakfast at 7:30 a.m. and the AIIA board of directors will meet at 8 a.m.

Registration information and forms are available at, by mail: AIIA, 2918 Clairmont Ave., Birmingham, AL 35205, or fax (205) 326-3086.